jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010

English in my faculty

The English language is a study that needs of the student dedication, organized and systematic study; Attitudes that someone brings practicing since the second grade in high school, but others have forged in the superior study. Many of the students consider that the change from the high school to the superior study is very big. In university is not only about memorizing, but being continually learning and understanding, is for this that the form of studying should change. In this essay will be analyzing the methods of study and learning English language in the faculty of Medicine of the Universidad de Chile.

In the Universidad de Chile specifically in the faculty of medicine, is year have been of big change in someone careers, being a change of great importance the input the English branch. This is thinking that the professionals that be graduate could continues their studies or work in others countries.

The enter to the university first be realize a test that serves for can separate to the student in four level started, beginning, pre – intermediate and intermediate. The exigency of study
increases the advance the next level and the topics change. The learning methods its test of listening, listen shows of Scientifics, also of realize shows, dialogues and blogs, its someone of the methods from learn. Also exist a support of help virtual that have exercises, dictionary, for improve the grammar, the pronunciation and increase the vocabulary. And also exist the help of materials as dictionary, a book and a disc whit a program that have the same order of the help virtual.

The distributions of the level is mixed, the student of different careers can is in a same level, for example the student of obstetrician whit the student of physical therapy this also favors the work in group with others futures professionals and help to know others areas of the health.

I think that the input of the English branch is very good, at first the idea resulted me a little tiring because has in is period many branch, but I started to change the thought about of this branch, of be tiring to be a opportunity for my future as professional. the that will help me to open new doors; as to continue studying in others country even go of travel whit other end.


1 comentario:

  1. Hello Jorge,

    Good essay, I like this, Because this specify the beginning of the english and this implement , details of english in the university, etc.

    See you,

