jueves, 10 de junio de 2010

Is better prevent that to cure

Hello today I talk about of the importance of the education and prevention. Exist very issues that prevent and very form of as made, in this case I would refer to the prevention of infections. In this ultimate time la science and specifically the microbiology be have developing of a form amazing, today in day be know very about of virus, parasites, bacteria of your morphology, habitat on others characteristics, but all this advance not is major importance if not exist the prevention and education at community about of this life agents. Thank to this interventions the mortality induced by pathogens have descent drastically to world level. Now, Why ultimately the science is focused to prevention of infections? Lamentably not exist cure for all the agents that produced damage or pathologies in we, also the production and administration is a cost very high, is for this that be obey to the sentences ¨is better prevent that to cure¨. For this be have implemented unnumbered projects that have decrease the infetions diseases . To individual level the prevention is focused to maintain a good health, through the education in brochures of have physical exercise, a healthy alimentation, a responsible sexual life. To familiar level the education in consults in clinics of maintain the trash in bags, clear the corners of home and to community level in schools. We as futures midwives can promote prevention in schools, in TV, in clinics about of the importance of prevent for example of IHV starting from the education of our environment as the home.

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