When you enter the university never you think whit that class of world different you will have that treat, because each person have a form of view the reality, giving value and importance to relations interpersonal, otherwise if all we view a also reality the only relation that we could create would intrapersonal. Although the idea of know me not is bad but it´s selfish. To understand the world of other person not is easy and have a complex process in where you have that will be empathic and go outside for a moment of your reality and travel the world of the other persona. This domain capacity not all have very development and others not the have. If this domain was a obligation for all the persons, the tolerance would have a base and understanding of persons without mental disorders. It difficult go out of the schemes made for much factors that involved in their creation. We is difficult understand that the person not think and reason equal to we, complex of mirror. Exist elements in common in human being, but even this it´s accompanied for experience that enrich your individuality value. Then how we understand between us? The only way understand is having firstly the capacity of recognize and acknowledge to the persons as unique, I see as being true for naturalize, and not imposing thinking and ideas own but listening whit attention y adaptation the new information. If not have this capacity still these to time for of to work it, you do not be selfish whit you reality. You do not ask be understand if you do not.
martes, 22 de junio de 2010
Complex of mirror
jueves, 17 de junio de 2010
A person very special
Today I went speak about of someone that cause very emotions in the people, is interesting know of Why cause this. I personally not the know physically single have heard and readied about of he. Some not me would believe as was your life, the stuff that he made, and as was born. Some me would marked of creasy if I say that with he speak. He is a person that to he not the like the injustices, is humble, spoke very of his father, was born in a simple place and his born is recording until now as his death, he was surrounded of very people that allegedly he wanted to but when was condemned unfairly for speak of his father and to help to persons, a few people the supported, of form very injustice was crucified as a offender. But he knew the fate of his life. Then why he continued carrying his life of this form. He spoke that his life in the world had a purpose very important for he as for his father, he knew that would suffer abuse, hits, included he would give his life, and to the three days he resurrected by you. If all his life in the planet was to think in you and me. But why someone decided die for you? my answer is for love. All out falls was forgiven when he die in the cross. It was his purpose God not would more sacrifices of animals carrier of our failures because had become a custom and a repentance false. God wanted that we might the responsible and Jesús took is responsible, now my question is if you went that Jesús took is responsible in your life, you invite to you heart.