jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010

I show my favorite city

Hello everybody today I like talk about of my favorite city. Fine I was born in the city of Osorno of Chile, a place very beautiful, not have beach but the place is near of beach, lakes and rivers, more less a 50 to 70 Km of Osorno. The past year was open a casino, this helped to open new opportunities of work and also increased the tourism. Osorno is view as a place for can to rest and next travel and to visit others place. We talked of point of view as a tourist, Osorno is very more for me. In Osorno I have many family that I love, and I think that the lifein this place is very special, for example the day I felt long, as are in vacations, of true you will felt in the same way if the know, you imagine is studying in vacations relaxed, is very good. The transport help that the life is not stressful, the travels its short. Osorno is to 900 km of Santiago of Chile in the south, therefore the climate is a little wet and rainy. The people its very homely and friendly. In the ultimate time there projects for made a mall and artificial lake. I would that you can to visit my favorite city and next you said me if felt the same. You'll wonder why I am not living in this city beautiful, the true is that the oportunities of work its little in some items, but not by this I not have stopped visiting .

jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010

English in my faculty

The English language is a study that needs of the student dedication, organized and systematic study; Attitudes that someone brings practicing since the second grade in high school, but others have forged in the superior study. Many of the students consider that the change from the high school to the superior study is very big. In university is not only about memorizing, but being continually learning and understanding, is for this that the form of studying should change. In this essay will be analyzing the methods of study and learning English language in the faculty of Medicine of the Universidad de Chile.

In the Universidad de Chile specifically in the faculty of medicine, is year have been of big change in someone careers, being a change of great importance the input the English branch. This is thinking that the professionals that be graduate could continues their studies or work in others countries.

The enter to the university first be realize a test that serves for can separate to the student in four level started, beginning, pre – intermediate and intermediate. The exigency of study
increases the advance the next level and the topics change. The learning methods its test of listening, listen shows of Scientifics, also of realize shows, dialogues and blogs, its someone of the methods from learn. Also exist a support of help virtual that have exercises, dictionary, for improve the grammar, the pronunciation and increase the vocabulary. And also exist the help of materials as dictionary, a book and a disc whit a program that have the same order of the help virtual.

The distributions of the level is mixed, the student of different careers can is in a same level, for example the student of obstetrician whit the student of physical therapy this also favors the work in group with others futures professionals and help to know others areas of the health.

I think that the input of the English branch is very good, at first the idea resulted me a little tiring because has in is period many branch, but I started to change the thought about of this branch, of be tiring to be a opportunity for my future as professional. the that will help me to open new doors; as to continue studying in others country even go of travel whit other end.


jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010

Dangerous myths

Hello everybody

Today speak about of the presentation of the doctor Maldonado about of myths brain. I think that was a experience very good, in first place because I learned and I could see that someone things in that I thought are erroneous, as for example to think that we as human only use the 15% of own brain. I thinking in this that only we use the 15%, told me but if exist regions of brain that it’s specifically for a function in specific we not can use a 15% of own capacity. And the presentation of it day I clarified my doubt. And well we were seeing other myths. With this class I could learn as is of important the education for clarify this myths because must exist very myths that not only are wrong if not that also cause damage the moment of practice, for example in my future profession exist a myths that the pregnant women must eat for 2 people the that leads to complications in the pregnancy , as gestational diabetes, is for this that the pregnant women must have a diet balanced in nutrients for a better development of the fetus, not leave of eat better is selection the that is more beneficial for two, mother and son.
The true that I think that I went to other side is that also I went very see this also of viwe of my career and also done thank for this opportunities of listen and witness is presentations with professors and doctors that is inserts in the topic.

jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010

I not like stress

Hello everybody

Today talk about of a topic that is very frequent in the community of the university, the stress. I remember when in classes alls we talk, good in pre – intermeddle about of the stress. In it class I remember that learned that the stress can express of different forms in each person, for example in a person can express in the low of encourage y other may have muscle contractions. From my experience when I am whit very works for make and have little time, I start to worry to think in all the that have that make and discouragement me, and cost me see for when start the study or work. In true not is nice is in this situation because cost very more realize you activities. Exist in someone situations that not account me of the excess of preoccupations that have (being a of the main causes of the start of stress), and felt that a of my eyes start to blink. And I treatment of can control the blink involuntary but cost. Good is a form of understand that some not is well in my life. Not is the idea not worry and to live your life in the air. A of the better form for avoid this is be organized and not consume you time of the day thinking in worry that will have the others day, not means that not can work advance, but not you will live you day for the of morning and the of morning, better you live the day to day. Is the intent that I live day to day , is a advice for that not enter in stress.