jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010

Diner and healt

Hello everybody
Today I said about of the film Sicko, activity organized for Guillermo, I think that was very interesting can know the different form in that is directs the health service in other countries of the world. And can wash the high differences that exist between this, for example the health in State United there that pay for all, the assistance of health is labeled the price in each of parts of body for the Health System mot is for all , in change in Canada, France, UK the Health is FREE and is for all. I like that the Health in Chile should be Free and not will exist the inequity, because in this moment for can be good attend there that pay very diner. Is important consider Chile is one of the countries that high percentage of inequity, undoubtedly having an impact in the health system . Is a fact that exist is inequality in own country but what can we make? I think is make own work in the health area good, so in the public system as private, recording that the important is the health of the peoples more the system.
Is activity I like very, as recommendation I think that the time assigned for the activity was little and also the film was large .

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Jorge!!!
    I think that it would be perffect an equal health system in chile, but to improve the system we have to start doing a better job as professionals, improving the hospitals and primary care center´s organitation, etc. We have a lot of job to do.
    See you !!

  2. Hi Jorge,

    Thank you for the recommendation. I will take it into consideration next time we see a movie.

    About the Chilean system, I agree with you. It would be great if it equal access to everybody. But, maybe as future health professionals you can start making some changes.

    The last sentence is difficult to understand. Maybe you should say "I enjoyed this activity, but as a recommendation....".

    Also, when you use the verb LIKE you say "I like my school" for example.

