jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010

I not like stress

Hello everybody

Today talk about of a topic that is very frequent in the community of the university, the stress. I remember when in classes alls we talk, good in pre – intermeddle about of the stress. In it class I remember that learned that the stress can express of different forms in each person, for example in a person can express in the low of encourage y other may have muscle contractions. From my experience when I am whit very works for make and have little time, I start to worry to think in all the that have that make and discouragement me, and cost me see for when start the study or work. In true not is nice is in this situation because cost very more realize you activities. Exist in someone situations that not account me of the excess of preoccupations that have (being a of the main causes of the start of stress), and felt that a of my eyes start to blink. And I treatment of can control the blink involuntary but cost. Good is a form of understand that some not is well in my life. Not is the idea not worry and to live your life in the air. A of the better form for avoid this is be organized and not consume you time of the day thinking in worry that will have the others day, not means that not can work advance, but not you will live you day for the of morning and the of morning, better you live the day to day. Is the intent that I live day to day , is a advice for that not enter in stress.

jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010

Science funding cuts: We won't fill the gaps, say firms and charities

Hello everybody today like speak about of a article that I interesting meeting. Is article is about of as is fund the science in UK. The Companies and charities that spend billions of pounds on research and development in contribution for the advance scientific in UK.

Great part of the cost is fund for companies privates partnership whit universities. Despite of the help provided the companies and charities not like substitute for government, is only a help, is for this the preoccupation of not have a major interesting in done more fund for the science. All government departments have been asked to prepare for cuts of 25% or more in their budgets as part of the government's austerity drive. The director general of the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry, said he would be "very disappointed" to see cuts of the order of 25% and warned that, even in such a scenario, there would be no reason for companies to step in to replace government funds. In my opinion think that the help provided for is companies and charities is a great help, but I think that also they received someone of benefit, but not said that is bad, but can be that the government was bad accustomed and not see the needs of fund more dinner in the science for a major advanced of this.

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